Tuesday, January 26, 2010

and the semester begins....

I'm midway through my second week of the semester and its already interesting. 7am wake up calls from the construction workers a floor below me, a shenanigan filled weekend, and daily starbucks overdoses already consume my life.

Monday was a friggin monsoon outside....

this was the one day I flat ironed my hair and wore make up.... I've opened my blinds every day since
(photo by joey marasco)

even my sunshine was bummed....

Over the weekend I did a photo shoot back in the swamps of Jersey. His name is Nixon and he's totally my new favorite rapper.

I even photographed his super cool manager, Jeff

coolest dudes in town...

gotta get ready for my 7am wake up call from jackhammers... see ya

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's a party in the.... NJ.....

A rainy and lazy sunday after last nite's fun....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no make up on

It's been a lazy bones kind of day... and by day, I actually mean month. When I'm not handing out coffees and playing pranks on customers in the Double D Cafe (aka Dunkin Donuts... shhh) drive thru, I'm mostly doing, well, nothing. Its going to be strange a week from now when I'm back at school and not wearing over sized sweats every day.

I somehow managed to get out of bed for these buffoons...

FINAL SHOW....rest in peace, hollywood ave

Have you ever seen a cover of "Tarzan Boy" performed in Kiss snuggies?

already missed...

I also did a surprise birthday party for the craziest Italian family... a few familiar faces were there...

they clean up so well, don't they?

even when they're bustin some moves....

there was a request for someone to photograph the photographer....

talk to ya soon!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wining, not whining...

I spent the day in my sweats and working on a collaboration with my parents. They just re did our dining room and were looking to decorate the walls in class. My dad got out the empty wine bottles from this weekend and we all set them up under my lovely alien bees.

I know, I know... Dad's got good taste in wine....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

I rang in the new year with some of my best friends. We hadn't all been together in what seems like forever, so it was particularly magical just to be together. I spent the day (literally) chasing Frank around Armonk as he scurried to get everything he needed for the the new years festivities. After what felt like hours of stress, confusion, and unanswered questions, we had our friends and were ready to unwind...

you stay classy, armonk!!

sink kids afraid to leave her sink

nothing but love in this house

well, not quite.....

he was a hot mess, anyway

they may not remember them, but these kids were all smiles all night...

Now back in New Jersey for two more weeks and then its back to school to hang out with these troublemakers.

See you soon!